"Immensity is within ourselves. It is attached to a sort of expansion of being that life curbs and caution arrests, but which starts again when we are alone. As soon as we become motionless, we are elsewhere; we are dreaming in a world that is immense. Indeed imensity is the movement of motionless man." Gaston Bachelard, 1969

Gregor Stephan

geb. in Beckum, 1966
lebt und arbeitet in Berlin


2009–2007Lektor in Fotografie und Urban Cultures, Goldsmiths University of London
2006–2005Master in Photography and Urban Cultures, Goldsmiths University of London, Abschluss 2006
2005–2003Fotografie am Schiffbauerdamm Berlin, Abschluss 2005
1994–1988Diplom-Kaufmann, Universität Mannheim, Abschluss 1994

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